LCD LED Smart TV Repairing Course in Udupi.
Advance Institute is one of the best LCD Or LED Smart TV Installation and repairing Training institute in Udupi, Udupi. We have well established training centers across all over India equipped with highly sophisticated instruments like Projectors, IRDA, SMD machine, LCR meter, Oscilloscope, BGA Machine, DC Machine, UFX Box, Z3X Box,volcano Box etc.. We are only institute in Udupi offering best and advance Smart LCD Or LED TV repairing courses and other electronic gadgets repairing course like Tablet PC repairing courses, Chip Level repairing courses, Smart Phone repairing courses, Android mobile repairing courses, LED TV Repairing courses, LCD TV repairing courses, Smart TV repairing courses and Desktop repairing courses.
Advance Institute gives opportunities to join a career courses that ensure excellent job opportunities for students and gives instant access to self employment, money & position in society.
Syllabus for LCD or LED TV Repairing Course
- Introduction - What is Monitor? - How monitor works? -
Types of Monitor: CRT monitor - LCD monitor - TFT monitor - LED
what is the difference between them?
- SESSION-2 What is Electronics - Difference between Electrical & Electronics -
AC & DC Voltage - Current - Type of materials Conductor -
Insulator - Semiconductors - Types of components - Active &
Passive Components.
- SESSION-3 Resistor: Types of Resistor - Working function - Color Coding of
Resistor - Difference between normal & SMT
Capacitor: Type of Capacitor - Working function - Difference
between normal & SMT Capacitor
- SESSION-4 Practical: Checking Method for Normal & SMT Resistor - Checking
Method for Normal & SMT Capacitor - Removing & Replacing of
Normal & SMT Resistor & Capacitor
- SESSION-5 Inductor: Type of Inductor - Working function - Difference
between normal & SMT Inductor - Transformer: Type of
Transformer - Working function - Difference between normal &
SMT Transformer
- SESSION-6 Practical: Checking Method for Normal & SMT Inductor - Checking
Method for Normal & SMT Transformer - Removing & Replacing of
Normal & SMT Inductor & Transformer
- SESSION-7 Diode: Type of Diode - Working function - Difference between
normal & SMT Diode -
Transistor: Type of Transistor - Working function - Difference
between normal & SMT Transistor.
- SESSION-8 Practical: Checking Method for Normal & SMT Diode - Checking
Method for Normal & SMT Transistor - Removing & Replacing of
Normal & SMT Diode & Transistor
- SESSION-9 IC: SSI (Small scale integration) - LSI (Large Scale Integration) VLSI
(Very Large scale integration) - integration of Transistor, Resistor &
diodes - IC manufacturing - IC types - Working function
- SESSION-10 Assembling of Regulated power supply
- SESSION-11 Practical for IC
- SESSION-12 Power Supply-Type of Power Supply - Half Wave - Full Wave Bridge
- Regulator Power Supply-SMPS-STR SMPS
- SESSION-13 Regulated Power Supply Architecture - SMPS Architecture STR
Power Supply Architecture
- SESSION-14 Fault finding of Power Supply
- SESSION-15 What is LCD?-What is TFT?-Difference between LCD & TFT-Display
Standards & Resolution
- SESSION-16 Type of LCD Display-Active & Passive Matrix Display- LCD Features
& Attributes -Advantages of LCD
- SESSION-17 What is Inverter? TFT Inverter Architecture
- SESSION-18 TFT inverter Trouble Shooting
- SESSION-19 Block Diagram of TFT
- SESSION-20 TFT functional Diagram
- SESSION-21 TFT Monitor Inverter Circuit Description
- SESSION-22 Section of TFT monitor- 3.3v Regulated Section - 3.3v Controller
- Section - Keyboard Section - Memory Section
- SESSION-23 Reset Controller Section - VGA Controller - Monitor Controller -
Power Indicator Section
- SESSION-24 VGA Pin Details
- SESSION-25 Trouble Shootings
- SESSION-26 Trouble Shootings
- SESSION-27 Trouble Shootings
- SESSION-28 Trouble Shootings
- SESSION-29 Trouble Shootings