Computer & Laptop Repairing Course in Amritsar, Punjab.
ADVANCE INSTITUTE of the latest technologies is one among the reputed institutes that offer the most advanced training for Laptop Repairing Course in Amritsar. Besides regular training, AILT organizes seminars and conferences on laptop repairing, wherein experts from different areas share their views with the participants and this enables the students to enhance their knowledge about laptops and their operating systems.
AILT is the best Laptop Repairing Institute in Amritsar and fully equipped with highly sophisticated instruments such as projectors, IRDA machine, SMD machine, LCR meter, oscilloscope, and others. In respect to working people, fast track courses and special classes are also arranged with a view not to affect the work schedule of the employee lot.
In addition to the above training, video programs are also arranged to teach the students about the functions of all the parts of a laptop and everyone will accept that visual training will yield better results. Moreover, video shows are arranged to hear the recorded lectures of experts in order to sharpen the skills of the trainees.
Course Duration:
- Regular Session : 90 Days
- Crash Session : 30-45 Days
- Fast Track Session : 10-15 Days
- Weekend Session : 5 Saturday and Sunday
- Online Class : 90 Days
Our Course Curriculum with the different module:
- Module 1: Basic Electronics.
- Fundamental Electronics Concept, the flow of Current, AC/DC Concept.
- Resistor, Capacitor, Coil, Diode, Transistor, Mosfet, Crystal, Transformer and IC s identifications and testing with SMD and multimeter tester,
- Module 2: Chip level Practice with Testing & Repairing Tools.
- Method of using of Soldering Iron, Micro Soldering Iron, Desoldering Pump, File, Tweezer, SMD Machine, and Hot Melt Gun,
- All types of IC and Chip soldering/ Desoldering, All kinds of Electronic Component Solid and SMD soldering /Desoldering.
- Module 3: Circuit Tracing and Repairing of Motherboard.
- Motherboard summary and Block charts of Motherboard.
- Classification of all kinds of chip, ports, socket, slots etc.
- practical Idea of Motherboard for RESET, READY, CLOCK Signal.
- Tracing, Hot Testing, Shorting Problem in VRM Circuit, Troubleshooting, Interior Construction of VRM Chip, Volt Sense Circuit Concept, Programmable line, VID Concept.
- Classification of each Model of Desktop RAM, RAM Operating Voltage, RAM Supply Pin, All samples of the path of RAM Supply. Hot Measurement.
- Classification of Clock Generator, Tracking, Use of Frequency Counter to measure Clock, Troubleshooting.
- USB Port Supply Pin Tracing, Data Pin Tracing, PS 2 Port Circuit, Data Pin Tracing of Data Port., Sound Circuit, Standby Circuit, Signal Testing, Diagnostic Card, Complete Operating of CRO for Voltage, Data, and Signal Testing, Identification of all Types of ROM, ROM Pin Details and Circuit Tracing, South Bride Supply Circuit, Repairing of RAM, BIOS Programming by Mini and Universal BIOS Programmer
- Module 4: Laptop Hardware Concept.
- Assembling and Dissembling of Laptop.
- Testing of all parts of Laptop.
- Description and Use of all Ports and Socket of Laptop.
- Module 5: Circuit Tracing and Repairing of Laptop.
- Mike, Headphone and Internal Speaker Circuit Tracing.
- CPU Thermal Circuit, Identification of all types of ROM and Circuit Tracing.
- Laptop Motherboard Circuit Tracing by Schematic charts.
- OS Related Problems, Water Damage & Hanging Problems, Connector & jack Related Problems
- CHIP Level Problems, Virus Problem, Restarting Problems & Laptop Full Dead problem.
- Input-Output Controller chip Connection Circuit, Use of DC Supply Machine, Laptop Display Assembly, The concept of RESET.
- Identification of all chip of laptop motherboard.
- Common Faults of Laptop and Troubleshooting.